12 Skills You Should ALWAYS Be Improving!

Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss the most critical skills that everyone needs to work on!

Episode Notes

There’s always something about you to improve; it doesn’t matter who you are or where you currently are.

The most successful human beings are those who constantly seek out growth opportunities in different facets of life.

In this episode, Eddie and I outline the 12 skills you should always be improving. These skills aim to make you a better person all around. We got the inspiration for these skills from the PUSHER Society, where we practice one of these skills every month.

For the month of May, we are doing Money Mastery - We call it Money May. Feel free to join us as we work on these skills to improve ourselves.

Tune in 🎧 to this episode to learn about the 12 skills and how each one of them affects your life, and how to improve on them.

Key Takeaways

- What in the World (02:04)

- Eddie got hooked on the Kardashian show (05:18)

- Things people do to get noticed (10:04)

- The 12 skills you should be working on (16:27)

- Don’t lose your sh*t (19:52)

- Self-management skills (21:13)

- How to improve your leadership skills (25:37)

- Money mastery – take time to learn how money works (28:03)

- Always keep learning (29:53)

- Be a resourceful person (25:58)

Additional Resources:


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