8 Steps To Help You STOP OVERTHINKING Everything!

Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss the paralyzing effects of overthinking and perfectionism. We give you 8 steps to defeat those emotions and put you in action.

Episode Notes

We are ALL guilty of overthinking something, especially when we are about to make a big move. But some people tend to get stuck and let the overthinking paralyze their decision-making.

Most of the time, overthinking is not positive. We are mainly obsessed with all the bad things that could happen.

In this episode, we discuss the paralyzing effects of overthinking and perfectionism. We give you 8 steps to defeat those emotions and put you in action.

The first step is recognizing that failure leads to greatness.

Think of any great person you admire….for them to become great, they failed more times than most average people are ever willing to try, and that’s why they succeeded.

You’ve got to accept that once you start something new, you’ll initially SUCK at it, and that’s OKAY.

Tune in to this episode to learn how not to OVERTHINK everything and get into action.

Key Takeaways

- Failure leads to greatness – be ready to suck (16:49)

- Eliminate perfectionism from your desires (19:17)

- Change your ‘what ifs’ to ‘why nots’ (23:02)

- Hypothesis, test, verify – Become a scientist (27:23)

- Done is better than perfect when perfect is not done (30:08)

- Just take the first step- action creates lots of clarity (32:49)

- Think of who you’ll become while on this journey (34:35)

- Be outcome driven – understand what you want (38:04)

Additional Resources:


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