9 Reasons Why Shit’s Not As Bad As It Seems

Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss how this is the best time to be alive in the world.

Episode Notes

Over the last two years, it has felt like we have rolled from one problem to another. There is always something bad happening, making the world seem like a bad place to be in right now.

But are things as bad as they seem?

If you’ve been a regular listener of the PUSH podcast, you must have heard us talk about perspective numerous times.

If you look at it as a whole, this is the best time to be alive. We are living in the greatest time ever in history, as statistics and other facts show.

Granted, the world is not perfect, and we are not minimizing some of the serious problems we face, but as you’ll hear Eddie and I explain in this episode, there is every reason to be optimistic.

If you compare our lives with those of our parents, grandparents, and past generations, you’ll notice that they faced far greater problems than us. In addition, we enjoy greater freedoms and better opportunities.

Tune in as we go over 9 good reasons why sh*t’s not as bad as you might think.

Key Takeaways

- Is the world really a bad place? (04:19)

- This is the best time to be alive (15:36)

- We live in the most peaceful time in history (16:50)

- Women have more rights than ever (18:25)

- Children are safer than ever (25:19)

- More people are becoming entrepreneurs (27:57)

- Democracy is more widespread – every voice matters (31:24)

- Fewer people live in poverty (33:20)

- We’re healthier than ever (35:25)

- We’re smarter than ever (42:05)

Additional Resources:


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