Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss our lack of discipline and motivation. The Copelands have not been practicing a restrictive life. We've been letting ourselves go! Sweets, TV, and just overall pleasure-seeking has got us nowhere, it's time for a change.

Episode Notes

We have been feeling demotivated lately. The COVID situation and quarantine has led to many changes and a disruption of our normal routines. We have pivoted a lot during this period. Every day something new is happening and we got to the point where we are not planning anything including in areas around our health and fitness. I reached out to a few of my trusted friends and they are in the same situation.

This realization led to my AHA moment. With half of 2020 gone, we still have the other half to set and achieve some goals. The goals maybe 30-day or 90-day sprints. To achieve these goals, we need restrictive behaviors that call for commitment, dedication, discipline, and focus.

We are going to activate our intrinsic power to create change by changing our choices. Creating restrictions and practicing discipline is mindfulness and mindfulness leads to wellness. It's time to get mindful!

This is especially important in the areas around health, finances, and time. Then it is all about remaining disciplined to the restrictions. So if you feel stuck and demotivated, the key to getting moving again is to set a goal that inspires you, then have some restrictions that you are happy to make. 

Key Takeaways

Additional Resources:


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